
My name is Stefano Pulici and I started using the A034 moniker when I started producing electronic music in 1995.

From the internet demo scene to the free-parties of the 90s, I played live in many venues of different countries and published records on any kind of media, always with radical do it yourself attitude.

I collaborated with many talented artists such as BBS, Skeeme, Bruno Dorella, Hyena, Mbst8, Kimera, Ludmila, Nachtwandler, Luca Valisi, Ovo, Allun, ?Alos, Endrago, Zona MC, Lfo Demon, Ronin, Femina Faber, Ripit, Tzii, Davich, Synthelabo, Bugo, Julie’s Haircut, Everest Magma, Katherine Betteridge, Mumba Jumba, Uochi Toki, etc. Look at the right column of this page for my side projects.

I also took part to artistic/musical/political collectives such as S.q.o.t.t., Acid Drops, V.A.L.I.S., No Human No Cry, Rexistenz.

A034 live @ Waggons - Stuttgart
Rexistenz Records

In 2004/2005 there was a huge collective named No Human No Cry, that organised big festivals dedicated to all kind of arts: music, theatre, performances, panting, sculpture, robotic installations, etc.
After that experience the musical collective born within it continued by offering experimental music events with the name of R-Existenz.
The next step was the birth of the music label RXSTNZ Records, which since 2009 has produced music both of its original members and of other kindred souls and still goes on in the difficult work of spreading music far from the schemes of the mainstream. We produced LPs and EPs which can be downloaded on donation (as well as for free) on our Bandcamp page.
The artists we supported range from 8bit and chiptune music, to dark electronics, breakcore, hip-hop, ambient, drone, dub, dubstep, techno, etc: A034, Pablito El Drito, Milesound BASS, Fire at Work, Zona MC, Mat64, Kletus Kaseday, Manual Destruction, Framedada, Ripit, Stefano Del Contrasto, Xenodrome, Shari De Lorian, Fekete, Syk2ne, Memero, Nachtwandler + A034, T.e.s.o., Andrea Giomi, Lunar Transient Phenomena, Mkzy, Hyena, Sedgemore, 22034, Burla22, Jesus and Sidechain, LostDogz, Tarme Til Alle, Maschere Personae, Paul Squared, …

Here after the Rexistenz All-Stars Compilation released in 2012:

Figli di Diapa Live @ PergolaTribe


Nuke Satori

Started in the mid 90s with my friend BBS as a live-music duo.
We have been playing live at free-parties, clubs, pubs, squats, theaters, houses of friends and anywhere we could.
We produced tracks on indie labels like Hydrophonic and Blackqirex and we published a 12″ vynil on Sforzesco Incisioni titled “Hands on imperative”.
We also started a “web-label” to produce digilat albums: our site nukesatori.org survives at THIS LINK.


Trio by A034, BBS and Skeeme (Hydrophonic) basically oriented to kill the dancefloor mixing live music to turntables and shooting 180 bpm beats ranging from hard techno to raggajungle, junglist, breakcore, drum’n’bass, tekno and even pop.
We also released a track on 12″: LISTEN HERE.


Ambient-noise duo of the early years of 2000 with my old time friend Bruno Dorella (Ovo, Ronin, Bachi da Pietra, Jack Cannon, Ventolin Orchestra, Sigillum S).
Lava took part to productions on the most creative labels in the noise scene such as Radon Studio (USA), Napalmed (CZ) and Rarefazioni Uterine (IT).
We did just one concert, in occasion of the “First power noise massacre festival” at S.q.o.t.t.

Figli di Diapa

Ambient-industrial live jamming band with Hyena and Mbst8.
We have been playing live many times proposing a trippy mixture of drones and industrial drums.
Listen: LIVE-1 | LIVE-2

Alice and her boyband

Pop-tekno-punk project, mainly live, with Kimera (Alice), Hyena and Mbst8, lasted few years in which we had a lot of fun mixing pop music to borderline electronics.
Listen and watch: LIVE @ COX18

Jesus and side chain

This is a side moniker used for fun while publishing some tracks featuring an extreme use of the sidechain technique.
Something has been published by the label Light Item here, and a very lo-fi EP by Rxstnz, here.

A034 and Mbst8 live @Arci Blob
A034 and Femina Faber live @ F.O.A. Boccaccio
Nuke Satori live at VALIS 20042002 free party